Premium automotive sewing and embroidery threads

From airbags and seat belts to door or instrument panels and seat covers – threads of all kinds are important components of vehicle interiors.
As an automotive expert, AMANN knows how design and functionality can be harmonised with the demanding technical requirements of the automotive industry.
Technical textile structures are becoming increasingly important in the development of innovative body parts.

To support the automotive industry on its way into a sustainable future, AMANN’s automotive team is always determined to find the best sustainable thread concept.


Passenger Safety Systems

Safety systems such as airbags, seat belts and steering wheels place the highest demands on the functionality and quality of the individual materials and components – and do so over the entire service life of the vehicle. Even under the most extreme climatic conditions, all safety systems for passenger protection must function without restriction.

Depending on the application, stringent specifications exist for the technological performance profile of the sewing threads. With our wide product range, AMANN meets the demanding requirements of the automotive industry – at the same time, our sewing threads are ideally suited for fully automated processing.

Seating & Interior Systems

A large number of different materials are processed in the vehicle interior in the smallest of spaces. Seats, door linings, headrests and centre consoles are usually made of a combination of different materials and must withstand constant stress in use. The design concepts make high demands and impose tight specifications on the sewing threads, whether for processing in shading systems or other interior components. Our special threads reliably meet all technological requirements, impress in processing with a high degree of productivity of the sewing process and enable permanently consistent functionality of all systems involved.

Sewing threads for automotive applications

The automotive sector places highest demands on sewing threads. For decades, AMANN has been the reliable partner for automobile manufacturers all over the world and supplies the industry with high-quality automotive sewing threads. To learn more about automotive sewing threads or automotive sewing yarns, you can visit Induux Wikipedia for automotive sewing threads.

Sewing threads for passenger safety systems

The automotive sector passenger safety systems also places extremely strict requirements on the sewing thread. The sewing thread must be safe and thus secure. AMANN offers a wide range of high-quality sewing threads for passenger safety systems, e.g. sewing threads and sewing yarns for airbags, sewing threads and sewing yarns for safety belts, or sewing threads and sewing yarns for steering wheels.

Sewing threads for seating and interior systems

Function and design are the primary tasks of the sewing thread in the automotive sector seating & interior systems. Sewing threads must withstand constant stress, meet all technological requirements and be visually convincing. For seating & interior systems, AMANN offers high-quality sewing threads and sewing yarns for seats, sewing threads and sewing yarns for door panels, sewing threads and sewing yarns for headrests, as well as sewing threads and sewing yarns for centre consoles.

Proficient partner of the automotive industry

Focused on the needs of automobile manufacturers, AMANN not only focuses on the seam, but also on the entire component. For years, the automotive industry has valued AMANN not only as a manufacturer, but especially as a conceptual partner who considers and accompanies the entire development process.